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Happy Thursday,

Had to cancel all my patients today as Morrow Street had a block-wide power surge yesterday that fried “something”. Not in the fuse department, nor the transformer down the road, possibly in the “pillar”, whatever that is. Anyways, sob story over. On generator power, I completed this 15DO amalgam replacement on my dad. Marginal defects had led to deep recurrent caries against the pulpoaxial wall which was completely invisible radiographically. Lesions are only visible radiographically when the lesion girth exceeds 1/3rd the buccolingual width of the respective tooth. The marginal ridge was accurately and anatomically recreated using the new #Garrison #Compositight_3D_Fusion system which features proximal wall wedge protectors so your neighboring tooth doesn’t look too “loved up” by your high speed bur.

The proximal fit and grip by this system on the premolar is almost “magnetic” and the most stable fit of any sectional matrix system I have tested to date. The results speak for themselves with a contact strength that makes you shiver with glee.

The restoration was layered to completion using a single shade of A3 Grandio Classic with fissure tinting courtesy of #Voco #FinalTouch tints.

My dad is more handsome than before, so my Mom is going to cook for me tonight.



#Compositight_3D_Fusion #Garrison #SkulptingSkool101 #Voco #Grandio