Happy #Friyay
Looking to integrate various ratios of A2 and PN into the composition to mimic a single body shade composite with Vit-l-escence. The marginal ridge under the old restoration featured two axial enamel fractures that just debonded with the preparation. An Omnimatrix was used after micro air abrasion with 27 micron aluminum oxide before a total etch technique using Ultra-Etch (a self-limiting etch that etches only to a 1.5 micron depth even with prolonged time – it makes it super hard to overetch!) and Peak Universal Bond. The restoration was layered using a combination of PN and A2 Vit-l-escence.
Have a great weekend.
#Ultradent #Omnimatrix #Vit_l_escence #PeakUniversalBond #UltraEtch