(Afternoon tea pics 1635.7: Bonding to Zirconia | G-MultiPrimer GC | G-Premio Bond)
Bonding to zirconia requires a special protocol, and one that excludes the use of orthophosphoric acid (phosphates will stick to Zr like nuts). This Class V was treated without any preparation other than micro air abrasion (27 micron aluminum oxide), a MDP primer (GC G-MultiPrimer) and MDP-containing bond in self-etch mode (G-Premio Bond) before microlayering. (APC Protocol: Prof. Markus Blatz, UPenn)
The canine was restored with G-Aenial A’Chord AO2 shade and the first bicuspid with A2.
#GCAustralasia #GMultiPrimer #GPremioBond #Zirconiabondingprotocol #GaenialAchord #APC #MarkusBlatz