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Hairline fractures in enamel are typically benign and are self-arresting due to the modulus of elasticity mismatch between enamel and dentin. Ones that are more comminuted or stained indicate a “superhighway” of penetration into the deeper enamel or DEJ which has the opportunity to seed not only secondary caries but also induce further propagation, which may eventually compromise the ultimate tensile strength of the tooth leading to a catastrophic end.

Careful dissection and preparation using air particle abrasion prior to gold standard adhesive protocols under absolute isolation along with microlayering with a highly-filled chameleon flowable composite is key for success. Personally, I prefer this approach relative to more aggressive veneer preparations for such lesions.

Clearfil Majesty Flow vitals:
Compressive strength 329MPa
Flexural strength 145MPa

#ClearfilMajesty #crackstabilization