A challenging workflow to achieve similar esthetics and depth of translucency as these adjacent porcelain veneers. A last ditch attempt to “save” this #9 involved penetrating the canal by 4mm and using a total etch MDP-driven adhesive approach (MPa Bond, Clinicians Choice) to secure microincrements of Ever-X Flow (SFRC 25% filled) to increase fracture toughness of the residual structure.
A Polydentia Unica matrix was secured and used to expedite the proximal contour recreation. Tints were needed to neutralize and characterize the color of the dentin after placement of an incisal enamel shade (ENI, Evanesce, Clinicians Choice) before the final enamel layer.
Close, very close but always fun working these cases out.
#BAARD #MinimalInvasiveDentistry #FractureToughnessDentin #CosmeticDentistry #PolydentiaUnica #CliniciansChoice