Happy #Montag,
Sometimes when we complete upper anterior restorations, we inadvertently constrict the envelope of function on individuals, and one of a number of sequelae ensue. We may observe hypersensitivity, porcelain or composite chipping, tooth mobility, tooth fracture, attrition, diastema generation and/or TMJ issues. The body will try to establish a position of harmony at the cost of the teeth or joint. In this case, the 31 and 41 had been restored and restored again with facioincisal line angle too facial in position as the restoration always respected the axial inclination of the tooth. One way of gaining incisal height is to restore the facioincisal line angle in a more lingual position, thereby forcing your restoration to “bend” lingually. This frees up the envelope of function and as long as patients don’t smash a bag of gingernuts….
The preparations were micro air abraded using 27 micron aluminum oxide and a total etch technique used (as sclerotic dentin was present) in combination with G-Premio Bond (GC) with a layered approach using Voco Grandio SO shade A5.
Have a great night,
Clarrie x
#Voco #GrandioSO #GPremioBond #EasetheEnvelope