I know I just got in this morning, but I was keen to try out the Nictone Synthetic dam that I got whilst I was in Guadalajara.
I needed to remove the occlusal support “tag” from the PFM cantilever bridge from the first molar-second bicuspid (pontic) before the dam could easily be flossed down. The tear resistance of this dam is outstanding, as is its elasticity.
Bombed out caries noted on the distal of the first molar; no surpise as radiographically there was an open margin and history of chronic food impaction.
I was curious after seeing the “waffle” pattern on the dam whether or not (as it reminded me of Coltene Roeko) and I was so pleased that after testing Icon Etch (15% HCl (aq)) it did not show any signs of deterioration like Coltene Roeko did.
#NictoneSynthetic #MDCDental