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(Afternoon tea pics 1615.5: Retreatment of overseas dentistry)
This lovely 24 year old female’s anterior teeth (centrals were congenitally missing, and thus laterals through first premolars were mesialized orthodontically) were cut down for aggressive crowns overseas in order to create a “better” smile for her (i.e. buccal margin depth 3+mm, severely subgingival with massive open margins and overhangs). The gingiva were cyanotic in appearance and when the restorations were removed, this was the result. A combination of ferric sulphate and aluminum chloride were utilized with heavy packing of retraction cord to finally stop the oozing enough to complete IDS and RC followed by a dentin buildup.
#Sometimesyougottagothroughtheuglytogettothepretty #overseasdentistryisanunknownquantity #donttakerisks #whyareyoucrowninga24yearoldanyway