Q U A D R A N T action | This lovely 40 year old man has a long-standing history of TMJ dysfunction with advanced parafunction with the sequelae of traumatic fracture of the posterior teeth in the first quadrant. He is currently being set up for orthodontic intervention to align the anterior and posterior segments before an implant treatment plan is executed.
Vertical hairline fractures were removed along with compromised coronal restorations.
Matrix system: Matrix-in-matrix (Omnimatrix external, Garrison Firm Band internal), Garrison Compositight 3D Fusion
Restorative system: Voco Grandio SO A3
Tint system: Voco Final Touch Brown
One of those days where you are super thankful there is no opposing occlusion to make you depressed =)
Have a good one y’all.
#VocoGrandioSO #VocoFinalTouch #GarrisonCompositight #MatrixinMatrix #PosteriorDirectRestorations #PosteriorComposite #SkulptingSkool101