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Who doesn’t like a little AMBUSH in an esthetic rehabilitation case, with many sins hidden by the sheer white radiographic glare of a PFM.

Tooth #4 – well, with the cast post/core intact for now, what are you going to do, dig it out?

Tooth #5 exhibited bombed out caries on the distal aspect nearly resulting in an exposure.

Tooth #7 looked like a bush after I removed the crown. Underlying this was a gold post/core segment. Which we had to bond to. Primer: MDTP from G-MultiPrimer.

Tooth #10 was my friend – our provisional crown had sculpted the ideal emergence profile nicely.

Tooth #11 had virtually no ferrule, but guess what it had these titanium pins that looked like a building site. As much as I don’t like pins or believe in their functionality, they were solid and not going anywhere we we decided to work around them.

Need drinkies stat. #GCGMultiPrimer