Reductive harmonizing the proportions of this patient’s mesialized canine and first bicuspid during orthodontics to replace a congenitally-missing upper left lateral incisor with direct composite layering. Unfortunately, the angle of finishing was proclined, so a greater-reductive approach needed to be taken, both distally as well as facially as the patient was also not pleased with the chroma/value of the teeth.
The gingiva was recontoured according to a DSD using the Superpulsed diode laser (Gemini, Ultradent) set at 1.1W.
Restorative shades:
Dentin: XL2 Dentin
Enamel: XL1 Enamel
Effects: Trans: Trans Clear
Tints: Kerr Kolor White
#KavoKerr #Harmonize #ReproportionRestorative #CosmeticDentistry #GoldenProportion