(Afternoon tea pics 1501.2: Voco Grandio SO | Final Touch)
Is your composite a supercomposite? With a compressive strength of 439MPa, #VocoGrandioSO exceeds that of enamel (384MPa) and dentin (297MPa). Its flexural strength only drops from 187MPa to 158MPa after 5000 thermocycles (dentin = 165.6MPa). What does your composite flexural strength look like after 5000 thermocycles. Because of this, I have no hesitation in using supercomposites for cuspal coverage/replacement, especially if you dial the occlusion to respect its physical strengths and weaknesses.
Restorative #VocoGrandioSO #VocoFinalTouch VOCO VOCO GmbH – The Dentalists